Australia, with Tasmania below.  Tasmania was part of Australia until about 10,000 years ago, when the oceans rose following the Ice Age.  It was named after the Dutch explorer, Able Tasman.

Learn the Dutch Genders in One Day!*

​​​​Australia (and Dutch Genders) from A-Z

to OZ!

Australia -HetOland!

 a world apart


       The secret to learning the Dutch grammatical genders amazingly fast is to focus on learning just neuter nouns with one syllable- there are about two hundred of them in common use.  The genders of more than 90% of all other Dutch nouns can then be determined by what sort of things they are, or by their beginnings or endings.

        To learn the 200 neuter monosyllable nouns easily, just use the following 'outlandish' pictures of Australia to lock the nouns in your memory as being things that are inherently different than, and set apart from, common-gender things. 

        To further inhance learning, add the prefix 'o-' to any of the pictionary nouns that have a circular component or notable 'o' sound.  This supplemental memory hack works with about a quarter of the nouns!  O-" was chosen as a mnemonic aid because 1. it is ear- and eye-catching, 2. is easy for English speakers to pronounce, and 3. is very rarely used as a prefix in common-gender words.

        The green and gold colors used with the neuter nouns are the national sporting colors of Australia. The green color is used with the nouns themselves, and the gold with 'O' prefixes.

     *The caveat to these techniques is that they do require that you recognize if a word is a noun, know approximately what the noun means, and know if it is derived from a verb or an adjective.  Knowing English is a big help because abount half the words are nearly the same in both languages!


Good Luck, Mates!